Zen-X E

HD direct USB X-ray Sensor
Always ready, fast, portable.
- Easy, fast, portable, real-time
- Maximum active area with optimal ergonomics
- Resistant to impact, dust and liquids
- Plug-and-play with iCapture software
- All-in-one iRYS software - Free Viewer and iPAD app

Zen-X E | The Enhanced sensor that takes performance in your practice to the next level
High resolution, extreme user-friendliness and maximum patient comfort
Optimise work with the new Zen-X E intraoralsensor.
Thin and comfortable for the patient, easy tohandle for dentists and assistants.
High quality images - even at low X-ray doses -ensure clear diagnosis and effective treatment.
Discover the features that allow Zen-X E todeliver an improved patient experience andsmoother workflows.
So tiny. So great.

Designed to streamline work
Zen-X E optimises ergonomics, improving both the patient experience and examination accuracy
Just 4.5 mm thick and featuring roundedcorners, Zen-X E minimizes patient discomfortand streamlines workflows.
Available in twosizes, both with an extensive active area tomaximise the view with a single exposure.
The Plug & Play system allows immediatedisplay of the image on a PC or laptop,minimising appointment times.
With Zen-X E you can count on accurate X-rayimaging for a wide range of exams, with specialpositioners ensuring precise framing.
With clear advantages for both the patients andthe practice.
This is the way.

Multiply opportunities
Advanced Zen-X E hardware and software boost diagnostic capacity and let you process/browse images with ease
More sensitive than its predecessors, Zen-X Eprovides - dosage remaining equal - excellentdefinition, allowing you to see details such ascoronal micro-fractures; this outstanding detailis maintained even at low doses.User-friendly, customisable iCapture softwarequickly transfers captured images to yourcomputer.
Once transfer has been completed,MultIMAGE technology lets you view up to 5different images with a single scan.Last but not least, the processing softwarelets you share X-rays in real time with thepatient or colleagues.
Better and better.

Available in 2 sizes, Zen-X E optimizes sensor bulk forboth adult and child patients thanks to an active areathat almost reaches the edge.The sensor adapts to the anatomy of the oral cavity,reconciling the dual need for comfort and a cleardiagnosis, with special positioners maximising examaccuracy.

The IP68 certified Zen-X E provides resistance to liquidsand dust above the market average.An aluminium layer protects it from knocks and accidentalfalls, as does the special design of the internal layers thatconvert the X-ray beam into the final image

The 3 metre long cable ensures excellent freedom ofmovement. Take Zen-X E anywhere, take advantage ofdirect USB connectivity to your PC or laptop.The on-cable stabilizer reduces energy consumption,keeping the temperature of the sensor in the oral cavityunder control.Furthermore, there’s no need to put the device onstandby and interrupt workflows
Optimal workflow
The ergonomic positioners allow for the most effective positioning of the sensor - always ready for exposure.
After capturing, the images are uploaded directly to the PC, stored, accessed and shared with the iCapture (TWAIN) software, the all-in-one iRYS (DICOM) software, a free image viewer and an iPAD app, and then printed and sent via e-mail.
- Position: Position the sensor by using the specially provided ergonomic positioners.
- Capture : Capture images by exposing the sensor to X-rays (iCapture).
- View: View Images can be displayed instantly on your PC or iPAD.
- Share : Export, print, send and store your captured images (iRYS).