

Hy-Scan: Consistently reliable digital diagnostics, maximum comfort.


Hy-Scan upgrades your practice to digital imaging quality without giving up the convenience of traditional films. This compact and affordable phosphor plate scanner ensures consistently reliable diagnoses thanks to an optimised workflow and extremely fast capture times.

Outstanding ergonomics

The thin, ergonomic plates are easily positioned, ensuring maximum comfort for the patient. The touch-free capture system automatically accepts and scans plates, simplifying the procedure and speeding up each phase.

High-definition images

In just a few seconds you can view high definition images directly on your PC or iPad via an Ethernet connection and included software. Each image is captured to allow precise, effective diagnoses and improve patient communication.

Ideal for multiple clinical applications

Hy-Scan offers top quality digital technology and film-like ergonomics - all in one compact, lightweight device. Ideal for any clinical application, from caries diagnostics to endodontics, the system adapts to different needs thanks to four plate sizes and advanced processing filters.


Fast and organised digital diagnoses

With Hy-Scan, every step of the diagnostic process is optimised to promptly provide high-definition digital images, ensuring a smooth, uninterrupted workflow and straightforward, automatic acquisition.

Touch-free system
The touch-free system automatically accepts and scans phosphor plates, recognises the size and imports images directly to your PC. Automatic deleting makes plates immediately ready for the next image capture, optimising operating times and improving efficiency.
MultiROOM Mode
Hy-Scan is designed to work in MultiROOM mode, for dental practices with multiple workstations, allowing the scanner to be booked from any location throughout the clinic. After scanning, images are transferred directly to the client PC, ready to be viewed, stored or shared using the included software or other compatible viewers.

User-friendliness and quality

User-friendliness and high definition quality

Thanks to Hy-Scan, obtaining precise and detailed diagnostic images has never been easier.

With a resolution of up to 17lp/mm and a pixel size of just 30 μm, Hy-Scan guarantees high-definition images, ideal for any type of clinical application - from endodontics to prosthetics.


With optimised filters and iRYS software, each image can be processed and enhanced to suit your specific needs. Hy-Scan offers you the perfect combination of easy use and diagnostic quality.

Anatomical details are captured with extreme clarity, allowing operators to precisely locate any diagnostic information.

Hy-Scan: the future of digital diagnostics within easy reach.


Filter by typology

RxDc HyperSphere

Ergonomics and Technology for perfect images

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RX DC EXTend: precise images, total control.

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RX DC: miglior qualità con minor esposizione.

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Hy-Scan: Consistently reliable digital diagnostics, maximum comfort.

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X-Pod: The portable imaging system for immediate diagnoses

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Zen-X: Real-time imaging and improved diagnostics.

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Zen-X DCiS

Zen-X DCiS: the wireless intraoral sensor for precision diagnostics.

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Zen-X E

Zen-X E: Ergonomics and advanced technology for precise diagnoses.

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MyScan WL

MyScan WL: wireless digital scanning for a cutting-edge dental clinic.

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MyScan WR

The power of digital scanning for high-precision diagnostics. With MyScan WR, ergonomics, simplicity and freedom combine to deliver excellent results and an optimal operating experience.

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